“As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.”
Isaiah 66: 13 (NIV)
Pacing back and forth between bouts of pain, I deliberated whether or not I should call my husband at work. Afterall, the advice I was given made it sound like I should have doubled over by now.
After what felt like an eternity, I lifted the receiver off the wall, slid sideways into hubby’s car, and made it to the second floor where the doctor was amazed that I hadn’t gone straight to the hospital.
Hours later, I was still squeezing my husband’s hand while listening with half an ear to a Veteran’s Day band playing outside my window. It was then that a group of interns crowded the room to witness God’s latest miracle.
The moment our beautiful daughter came into the world, and again less than two years later, when our wonderful son arrived, our lives were changed forever.
Doing my best building a firm foundation, and believing “children are a blessing and a gift from the Lord,” (Psalm 127: 3 CEV), my love for each of them, and now their families, continues to grow with each passing day.
But you know what? The love God has for you and I is so much greater than you and I could possibly imagine. Jesus not only took our sins to the cross, and died, and rose to new life (John 3: 16), but also sent the gift of the Holy Spirit to be with us (John 14: 26).
Like a child, you and I never outgrow the need for consolation, support, and encouragement. The Father in his Wisdom reassures that, “as a mother comforts her child, so will he comfort us” (Isaiah 66: 13).
Being a ‘Christ-bearer’ stretches, shapes, and calls you and I to ask and seek the Father’s Wisdom in all things.
Whether it’s developing self-control or patience during a conversation, or getting a handle on various types of pain and anguish, one thing is certain.
God makes new growth possible.
Whatever role we find ourselves in, each of us are ambassadors of Christ commissioned to use our unique gifts and talents to become part of something bigger than ourselves.
With an open hand, and an open heart God guides us to new possibilities!
In doing so we share with others how God has transformed our lives, and give thanks to the Lord, for “apart from him we can do nothing” (Psalm 16: 2).
As we go into this season of gratitude, may we “praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving” (Psalm 69: 30) for our blessings, and whoever, and whatever God has entrusted to us.
Together, my sweet friend, let’s pray.
Dear Jesus,
I praise you, and thank you for your comfort, direction, and sacrificial love. May I continue to dwell in your holy presence to continually become all that you are calling me to be. May I pray wholeheartedly, Lord, to fully embrace all you have entrusted to me.
Until next time…
May the Spirit of God lead you, the Word of God sustain you, and the promises of God grant you the gift of everlasting peace.
Sending love and autumn blessings your way.
For deeper reflection join our Gratitude Challenge, and follow us on Instagram at https://instagram.com/FaithFirstWomen.com. Follow the Faith First Women Facebook page at https://FaithFirstWomen for additional inspiration throughout the week.
Be sure to watch both pages for our **Black Friday Special!**
As always, continue today’s conversation, and send your prayer requests to sue@faithfirstwomen.com. I’d love to hear from you!

Author of Nourish Your Soul: 7 Secrets for Women Seeking Peace
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